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Official Site Of Composer Noubar Aslanyan
Main » 2010 » March » 20 » Composer Noubar Aslanyan is a Member of Armenian and Israeli Composers Union
Composer Noubar Aslanyan is a Member of Armenian and Israeli Composers Union
Sweden - Stockholm, "Shista" church, After the Concert.
String Quartet <<Kineret>> and composer Noubar Aslanyan,
Noubar Aslanyan was born in Athens, Greece in 1943, and in 1946 he moved to Armenia. In 1973 he graduated from the Comitass Academy of Music in Yerevan, the composition class of Prof. Griqor Yeghiazaryan. In 1994 he came to Israel and since then he has been living and working here. His musical works have found acknowledgement in various spheres such as performing and education.

His musical pieces have been performed on various musical instruments and in various musical genres, e.g. solo, vocal-choir, chamber, symphony and brass orchestras, including music for children.
What also features Mr. Aslanyan is his programmatic music, about events relating himself and world events. For instance, in memory to Yitzhak Rabbin the song "He has gone" was created (1995), as well as Sonata for Cello solo "ENTEBBE-20" in memory to Yoni Netanyahu (1996), March-poem dedicated to the soldiers fighting against terrorism (2000), Cantata for a mixed choir a cappella, the "Harvest Holiday" (Succot) (1982), String Quartet No. 2 (1971-2001) in memory to the composer's parents Abraham and Esther Aslanyan, Concertino for Trumpet and String orchestra dedicated to his son Armen Aslanyan (1977), the vocal cycle "Will" (2006) for soprano and piano etc. His latest piece, "Appeal" (2006), for viola solo, is dedicated "To the innocent victims of this war" (2nd Lebanese war).
HYMN TO ARTSAKH(1990) Poem for Mixed Choir and  Symphony Orchestra dedicated to heroes of Artsakh.    

In his works the composer occasionally uses folk songs, contents and moods coinciding with his own programmatic music, updating these folk songs with contemporary composing techniques. String Quartet No. 3 "Armenia 88-93" and Sonata for Piano (1993) are to confirm the above said because they echo the 1988 disastrous earth quake and post-perestroika period, as well as the Sonata for Flute and Oboe (1977), Suite "In the Mountains" (2001), for woodwinds and piano dedicated to Honorary Consul of Armenia to Israel Mr. Tsolag Momjian, March-poem "Sardarapat" (1965) dedicated to the memory of Armenian victims of Genocide of 1915 in Turkey, etc. The concert-poem for trumpet and B Flat & Symph.Orchestra "The Braves of Sipan" (2005) Dedicated to the 90 th anniversary of the Armenian Genocide, "Monologue", autobiographical Sonata for Cello solo no. 2 (2006).
POEM - ELEGY for woodwind string quartet, In memory of the Armenian Genocide victim Hrant Dink (2007).

Aslanyan's favorite composers are Beethoven, Mahler, Shostakovitch, and Khachaturyan.

Mr. Noubar Aslanyan lives with his family in Haifa. He is an active member of the "Septima Association" and his creative activities have been promoting Israeli music. In 2003 his music was performec in the the Israeli Music Celebration. In 2004, on the occasion of the 56th anniversary of Israel's Independence, a whole concert of his music took place in the capital city of Armenia, Yerevan. His works were performed among other countries in the USSR, U.S.A., Israel, Canada, South Korea (ACL 2009), Sweden, Switzerland, Greece, Germany, Jugoslavia, Bulgaria and Armenia.


For more Information please visit to Official site of Israel
Composers League

Views: 331697 | Added by: Nairi | Rating: 5.0/1
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